Welcome to NBA 2k Lab

Badge Testing for MyPark and ProAm

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NBA2k has been notoriously quiet about the effects of their badges making users, including us, question whether they are worth grinding for. We have attempted to eliminate as many variables as possible to run tests on the more influential badges. Our goal is to find the advantages that having badges provides. Finally, it is our plan to update the site as frequently as possible with new tests.


All NBA2k tests have been completed on All-Star difficulty in an attempt to recreate the Pro-Am and MyPark environments. More tests are coming weekly and we are wide open to suggestions. Send test requests to us on Twitter @nba2klab, email us at [email protected] or send us a message on Reddit /u/nba2klab or stop by our stream


What to Look for in 2k18

Our site will be going under a navigation overhaul that will hopefully be completed before the release of 2k18. We have added a few more features than originally planned and the new navigation should help you find the tests you want more quickly.

Below if a video explaining our new method of testings and gives some small details on our Premium services.

Early Bird Premium Pricing

For anyone looking register for premium access early we are currently offering discounted 6 month and one year plans! Register here.

Top NBA2kLab Supporters

  • Trell89
  • FuriousMassacre
  • 50CalCowboy
  • Sosa

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Support NBA2kLab

Want to try a new Archetype but don’t want to grind the badges again? Contact our badge grinding partners at 2kGoatGrinders. Give them the Promo Code 2kLab and they will give you 10% off!

ProAm Community

Looking to get tied in to the ProAm scene? Give www.famousenough.com a look.

Update 1.7

Everything there is to know about Legend Takeover

Also, we want to thank the people that have donated so far to help us cover our start up costs. We would love to break even on this project. If you donate be sure to send us a message afterward with any requests that you have and we will make them a priority for the next site update.

What can I do to improve my player right now?

A simple thing you can do to improve your player quickly yet significantly is set your hot spots in a myplayer game. The percentage of green releases increases significant in hot spots. To do this start a game and shoot in the same spot over and over on rookie difficulty until there is a red ring under your player indicating you are in a hot zone.

The next most important thing you can do is get Defensive Stopper. This badge will lower the badge rating of every one of your matchups offensive badges. This is a huge difference. There are a number of good youtube videos with advice on the best way to get this badge.