MyTeam Auction House Tracker

Xbox Movers of the Day



PS4 Movers of the Day



Today’s Lab Value

Xbox: Coming Soon

PS4: Coming Soon

What is Lab Value?

Lab Value is how we remove outliers and auctions that did not have bids on them because they are overpriced. To determine Lab Value we take the cheapest 25% of the cards final sale price (not BIN) and we find the average value of those cards. This ensures cards with artificially high prices (100k MT emerald that didn’t sell e.g.) are not factored into our Lab Value.

What does Premium add?

Supporting our auction house project by signing up for premium will unlock these additional charts:

  • Volume sold by hour of the day
  • Lab Value by hour of the day
  • Lab Value vs Average BIN price by hour of the day

In addition, premium will allow you to enter our weekly pack opening drawings and gets you access to the card shot speed chart that will allow you to pick cards whose jump shots all have the same timing, making shooting easier. Sign up to support this project and future projects like these.

Sign Up

Where are you getting these numbers?

We have set up a network of Xbox’s and PS4’s that run 24/7 scanning the auction houses and recording data points. While we cannot guarantee that we are recording every single auction we can say that we are collecting hundreds of thousands of data points each week.

Where can I get more information about this card?

If you are looking for information about badges, attributes, hot zones and tendencies check out 2kMTCentral. If you are looking to discuss the card is with other MyTeam players check out the forums at

Select Your System

Xbox | PS4

Recent Completed Auctions

[pms-restrict message=”Average Value per Hour, Average Volume Sold per Hour and Buy Now Price per Hour charts restricted to premium members”]


Steals of the Day